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How do we grow

How do we grow

  How do we grow ourselves spiritually?   A child will grow physically into an adult just by eating a little each day; without fail. An adult can grow spiritually just be feeding on divine source daily; without fail.  All souls are in a state of growth, from...
Children of God

Children of God

How to prove we are united, that we are really from God ; the children of God from Heaven. Scientifically speaking, we are only just starting to understand and prove we are connected and multi-dimensional beings. Behavioural science has experimented on mice, showing...
Why do bad things happen

Why do bad things happen

Why do bad things happen? Karma or just bad-luck? Why do bad things happen and make people suffer physically, financially, mentally and emotionally?  One word – karma!  As you sow so shall you reap. The law of retribution also known as the law of cause and...
Why suffering, why does God allow suffering

Why suffering, why does God allow suffering

  Why suffering, why does God allow suffering Why is this world so bad, with injustice, suffering, disasters. Why does God allow suffering and why do bad things happen? It’s not God that creates pain and suffering; either personally like with sickness or...
How to find inner peace and happiness

How to find inner peace and happiness

Please read the meaning of inner peace before continuing, once you understand what it is, then it’s just a matter of finding it! Now that you know what inner peace is, let’s explain how to find inner peace and happiness with practical techniques to achieve...
Help me GOD Spiritual Questions Answered